Institute / Laboratories

Group of Mechanochemistry of Organic Substances

Dushkin, Alexander Valer’evich
Alexander Valer’evich

Head of the Group – Alexander Valer’evich Dushkin,
Dr. Sci. (Chem.)

Tel.: 233-24-10 *1106

Name Degree Phone e-mail
Dushkin, Alexander Valer’evich Dr. Sci. 233-24-10 *1106 @
Meteleva, Elizaveta Sergeevna Ph.D. 233-24-10 *1127 @
Evseenko, Veronika Ivanovna Ph.D. 233-24-10 *1127 @
Suntsova, Lyubov Petrovna PhD student 233-24-10 *1127 @
POLYAKOV Nikolai Eduardovich leading engineer 233-24-10*1127

Major Directions of Research Activities
Mechanochemical preparation of solid dispersions of drugs with excipients in order to increase solubility and reduce the effective dose of drugs.
  • Investigation of physicochemical mechanisms for the formation of supramolecular structures of drugs in the mechanochemical pathway for their preparation - intermolecular complexes, self-associates, vesicular forms including drugs, as well as plant saponins and polysaccharides.
  • Investigation of the properties of supramolecular complexes of drugs in solid phases and in aqueous solutions.
  • Justification of compositions and ways of synthesis of supramolecular structures of drugs in order to achieve maximum characteristics of bioactivity of drugs.
  • Obtaining samples for pharmacological tests and subsequent creation of domestic innovative medicines with increased effectiveness and safety.